EUROCOUSTIC PRODUCTS LIMITED has established a division of Infrastructure where the key role of leadership is being taken by the Bridges & Structures Division. Having established the plant for fabrication to support the work of its group companies now ready to take on new assignments directly from the clients.
Comes with a back up of a decade long experience in fabrication, assembly and erection of various types of structures that include bridges both long span open web girders to semi through girders to composite girders. Buildings that are designed built to suit architectural requirement and client schedules.
Testing of Raw material and complete quality assurance as per any Indian or international standards such BIS, IRS, IRC, AASHTO, etc and to the satisfaction of any Third Party Inspection agencies.
Pre Assembly of large spans within the shop floor supported by adequate equipment and material handling facilities with all work areas supported with EOTs up to 25 tons.
Blasting and painting as per specs
Experts In Designing
Efficiency in procurement to minimize weight
Best practice followed in Steel Fabrication
Final Inspection of Assembly and Quality
High quality Blasting and Painting
With you from Designing to Finishing