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Bio Fuel

EPL is one of the select few to supply UCO-produced biodiesel in support of the new Biofuel Policy-2018.

It is estimated that nearly 100-200 tons of used oil is discarded in India every day, which is mostly purchased by adulteration agents, reused for cooking, or disposed without recycling.

But there wasn’t yet an established UCO-collection system in place.

This is where we stepped in by implementing the RUCO initiative launched by FSSAI. We will dip into this huge source of used cooking oil, which is unfit for human consumption, and turn it into carbon-neutral biodiesel.

Why UCO-Based Biodiesel

While biodiesel produced from non-food biomass feedstock also don't pose a threat to Food Security, UCO-based biodiesel goes two steps further - it recycles waste, and promotes health by creating a barrier for UCO to make its re-entry into the food chain.

Other benefits of biodiesel (not exclusive to UCO) over petroleum-based diesel:

  • It can be used in most diesel engines with nil modifications
  • It can reduce tailpipe emissions from older vehicles
  • It improves fuel lubricity and raises the cetane number of the fuel
  • It has a flash point higher than 130°C, compared with about 52°C for petroleum diesel, allowing for transportation without restrictions associated with flammable material
  • It mitigates GHG (greenhouse gas), thus combating global warming
Bio Fuel

UCO-Based Biodiesel Plant

We set up a pilot project for biodiesel as far back as 2007, using inedible jatropha oil, and subsequently expanding and then upgrading to an UCO-based biodiesel plant in Daman with a capacity of 400 MT/month.

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